Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Labor...your on your way

It all started at 4:30am in the morning on July 23rd. I had contractions off and on for the last month and this time I thought it was just my body playing tricks on me again. When the contractions started I felt them while I tried to sleep but it was hard. Finally at 8:30am I could not take it anymore and I started tracking contractions on my phone. I said that I would track them for an hour and see if there was any pattern to them. After an hour I showed your daddy and they were about 7 mins apart so we decided to call the doctor and see what they wanted us to do. They told us to go to the hospital to be accessed to see what was going on. But daddy had a problem he had not gone to get a hair cut to get ready for your pictures. So he rushed out to get a hair cut while I took my time and got ready. We got to the hospital around 12 and I was still having contractions but they had spaced out. They hooked us up to the machines and watched us for a long time. Finally they said I had not made enough progress and they sent us home to labor at home. The told us you would probably not come until the next day. Dad and I went to eat lunch at Zaxby's and my contractions just kept on getting worse. Mimi and Papa were concerned and did not want to miss your birthday so they called to check on us all the time. When we got home I could not rest or sit still I was in a lot of pain so I got in the tub and I paced the house and I tried to keep my mind off the pain by reading. Mimi and Papa came around 8 and mommy was still pacing and in a lot of pain so I snuck off to the bathroom to get in the tub and make a secret call to the doctor to tell them about my pain and how far my contractions were apart. They told me to come in and they would check me and give me some pain medicine to make it through the night. They thought you would not be ready to come out. So I rushed and got ready and we went quickly to the hospital. We went into the room where the access you and the checked me and I was a loose 3, so they said we could stay. They got us hooked to an IV and started the paperwork to admit us into the hospital. Then they took us to the labor room and Mimi and Papa were able to come in now. I only had to have a couple more contractions before the doctor came in and gave me some medicine to stop the pain. Once we got that time went by so fast and it was time to push. I had to push for a couple of hours and you were here. It was all worth it! Once I saw your face I was so in love. You were perfect. You were a great mix of your mommy and daddy. Your daddy was a great daddy and helper in the delivery room. He loved you from the minute he saw you too!